
Sky Atlantic

Sky Atlantic

House of Cards Season 3


Season 3 of the House of Cards was broadcasted on Sky Atlantic from February 27. This was the season when Frank Underwood had just been inaugurated as President of the United States of America. The episodes featured a detail-rich plot that could be read on different levels: What is the best way to communicate this to fans and also attract new viewers?


Come up with an ambient marketing campaign, composed of numerous activations, to trace the narrative thread leading up to launch day. Two weeks before going on-air, the cities of Padua and Turin were plastered with teaser announcements showing several of the President Underwood’s most representational quotes, using the GreenGraffiti technique. Simultaneously, in Milan, an artistic installation was deployed depicting a gigantic house of cards. The work was designed by Israeli artists collective, Oge Group, in collaboration with Milanese illustrator Nanà dalla Porta, and illuminated Piazza Gae Aulenti for 7 nights. Lastly, several days prior to going on-air, the historic kiosk, “Le Luride”, located in viale Argonne in Milan, was transformed into the legendary Freddy’s BBQ Joint. There, customers were offered an atmosphere just like in the series, including beer, ribs and intrigues.


3 cities
5 days of activation
+20 press mentions
+25K social interactions